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Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids
Issue 65 | September 2019
Learning Environment - Set it right
Dynamics International School's
recommendation on setting up your child's
learning environment.
Learning Environment

Environmental factors play an important part in learning. When the environment is optimized for learning, the child will be able to focus better and will be primed for learning. Hence, parents need to plan for an area in the house where the child will be able to learn conducively and effectively. When the child knows his area for learning and the expectations and tasks are clear, the child will be able to transit from one activity to another activity smoothly.

Employee Spotlight

Rizal Baharom Rizal Baharom
Head of School
Dynamics International School
BSc in Psychology, Singapore

Rizal is heading the Dynamics Early Intervention Program (EIP) and Dynamics International School (DIS). Additionally, he is also an Educational Therapist with Edunamics. He has years of experience working with mainstream schools and was formerly a Deputy Head of School in an inclusive international school. His knowledge and experience of working in schools adds value to DIS and EIP, and ensure that all our students get the best preparation, development and skills possible, to succeed in our programmes.

10 questions with our employee spotlight of the month, click here.

Events and Happenings
Dynamics International School
We are now Open!
Dynamics International School is now open and accepting enrollment. We accept students all year round, depending on availability and space. If your child is between Reception year and Grade 2 level, call us at 61009235 or go to www.dynamics.school to find out more about the school.
Dynamics International School
Home Based Speech and Occupational Therapy
Home Based Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy Services
At Dynamics, our therapists are able to use a range of home based therapies to help your child achieve their full potential.

Here are some tips on creating the correct learning environment for the child at home:

1. Designating a space for learning.
It does not need to be an expansive space. It can be a small area at the dining table, or dedicated table and chair for your child in the corner of the living room. It needs to be well ventilated, bright and comfortable for your child to work in. Engaging your child to decorate and design the space will also increase the sense of ownership for the child in that space.

2. Setting a Routine.
After designating a space, a routine for learning has to be set in place. When a clear routine is established, your child will know what is expected of him when he is in the learning area. Having a routine gives predictability and will encourage facilitation of transiting smoothly from one activity to another. It will be useful to engage the children when setting the routine so that the child can remember that he had set it together.

3. Free from distractions.
Tips Do ensure that the learning area is free from highly motivating materials that will take the child’s attention away from learning. It should be away from distractions like the TV, game consoles, toys and other things that will cause the child to lose focus. If the child needs visuals, then only visual cards that are relevant for the current session should be displayed or made available so that the child will not be able to lose focus by playing with the unwanted visuals.

4. Small Successes.
Parents must allow incremental progress to take place by allowing breaks in between learning and setting attainable goals so that the child will be able to achieve small successes and be intrinsically motivated to do more.

Our Affiliates

Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids is affiliated with:

Dynamics Speech

Dynamics Success Centre

Dynamics International School


Dynamics Psychological Practice

Early Intervention Programme

We have a large team of speech and language therapists, occupational therapists,
educational therapists, psychologists, teachers & all supported by our administration team.
You can be assured that at Dynamics you only get the best, from the best!

Please contact for more information details at 6734 2634 | 6100 9235 or email inquiry@dynamics.com.sg
Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids Pte Ltd
583 Orchard Road Forum The Shopping Mall
Singapore 238884
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