Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids
Issue 74 | August 2020
Meal routine with kids

Meal time is one of the most underrated times of the day. Most of us caregivers equate meal time to ensuring no food is left over, child is well fed and most importantly, mess free.

Just as we inevitably fall before we learn to walk steadily, mess created through self feeding could also likely take place. Here at Dynamics, our students who join us for our extended program, have their lunch with us. Cooked and packed from home, we extend our life skill coaching to them during this essential part of the day.

Employee Spotlight

Premalatha Chandran Premalatha Chandran
Deputy Head of Early Intervention Centre

Advanced Diploma in Special Education

Prema is the Deputy Head of our Early Intervention Centre. Additionally, she is also a Special Education teacher with a class of her own. She has been in the education industry since 2007. From the student care sector to international schools, she has seen her fair share of teaching, learning as well as managing. With her diverse knowledge and experience, she ensures the students get their fair chance of learning with progression at the pace they are most confident in.

10 questions with our employee spotlight of the month, click here.

Events and Happenings
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Psychological counseling promotion
During these challenging times Dynamics is offering a 30% discount on pay per counseling session or 40% discount on a 10 session package of psychological counseling services.
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EIP 500
EIP Now Available from $500 per month  
Flexibility to choose from 1 time a week to 5 times a week (subject to availability).
EIP 500
EIP complimentary 2 day trial promo
$300 off registration fees when you sign up for EIP on the last day of the trial! 

Meal Routine Tips

Here are some tips on how we can work towards independence during meal times:

1. Child-safe cutlery
As children are beginning to learn ways to hold their cutleries and plates/bowls, accidents are bound to happen. Having a plastic set will encourage them to try again instead of feeling frustrated and give up when it drops. Appropriate cutlery is also encouraged for them to get started with. Handling and manoeuvring techniques can then be taught and mastered with consistent practise.

2. Food proportion
Bit by bit, little by little. Ensure the plate/bowl is only half full so that children can have space to allow scooping. The extra space gives them the confidence that they are able to feed themselves with no spillage and they will persevere to do so with minimal guidance.

Meal Tip

3. Clean-up
The messy but fun part: Get the child involved with wiping their table after pushing all spills into their empty plates/bowls. Then put away the items where they belong. This gives them a sense of responsibility and builds up their awareness of routines.

4. Praise and compliment
Don’t we all love some compliment or praise to feel assured and validated for a job done and tried? Be generous with your compliments on how well the child has held the spoon/fork or how nicely they have fed themselves with lesser spillage. At the end of it all, the aim is for the child to come out feeling confident of their newly acquired skill. It is in our hands, as the adult, to nurture and guide them through the process. We want everyone to walk away feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Our Affiliates

Stay in touch with Dynamics and keep up to date with therapy tips at our following links:

Facebook - Dynamics EIP
Instagram - Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids

Our Affiliates

Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids is affiliated with:

Dynamics Speech

Dynamics Success Centre

Dynamics International School


Dynamics Psychological Practice

Early Intervention Programme

We have a large team of speech and language therapists, occupational therapists,
educational therapists, psychologists, teachers & all supported by our administration team.
You can be assured that at Dynamics you only get the best, from the best!

Please contact for more information details at 6734 2634 | 6100 9235 or email inquiry@dynamics.com.sg
Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids Pte Ltd
583 Orchard Road Forum The Shopping Mall
Singapore 238884
© Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.