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Issue 72 | June 2020
Bilingualism refers to the ability to speak two languages fluently. In a multicultural and multilingual country such as Singapore, bilingualism is commonplace.
Many children in Singapore are raised speaking two or more languages for social and academic success.
Here are some evidence-based facts about bilingualism:
- Code mixing (mixing words from two languages in one sentence) is typical. Children code mix because they hear adults in their environment using both languages simultaneously, and it can be an indicator that they are being resourceful when they do not know or have trouble retrieving an accurate word in one language.
- Most bilingual speakers have a "dominant" language. It is typical for bilingual children to have one language they are "stronger" at. Each language does not have to be at the same proficiency.
- Just like some monolingual children, a percentage of bilingual may have a language disorder. However, there is no scientific evidence to support that learning multiple languages causes a language disorder. If you are worried that your child might have a language disorder, feel free to contact one of our Speech Therapists for a consultation.
Nurshafiqah Latif
Speech Therapists
BSc of Speech Pathology
Shafiqah is a Speech and Language Therapist who graduated from Curtin University in Australia. She also has a diploma in Child Psychology and Early Education from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore. She is passionate about empowering children with the necessary communicative skills and about making a difference to the lives of the clients she sees.
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What you can do to help develop the language development of your bilingual child:
- Expose your child to large amounts of both languages. Children learn more words and grammar the more they are exposed to the language.
- Research shows that children who have a strong foundation in their home language learn a second language more easily than one would expect. Children are also at great risk of losing their home language if it is not supported continually at home.
- Speak to your child in the language you feel most comfortable with. Children learn through adult models of language. If you do not feel that you are comfortable or fluent in speaking a certain language, it is best to leave the teaching and providing language models to someone who is proficient.
- Provide opportunities for the child to not only learn the languages you want them to, but also to practice using the language throughout their development! Opportunities to learn languages can be through play, interaction, speaking or hearing the language.
- Read to your child in both languages to help build their grammar, vocabulary, and language concepts.
Byers-Heinlein, K., & Lew-Williams, C. (2013). Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says. LEARNing landscapes, 7(1), 95–112.
Lowry, L. (2016). Bilingualism in Young Children: Separating fact from fiction. The Hanen Centre. Retrieved September 9, 2019 from: http://www.hanen.org/Helpful-Info/Articles/Bilingualism-in-Young-Children--Separating-Fact-fr.aspx
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583 Orchard Road Forum The Shopping Mall
Singapore 238884 |
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