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Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids
Issue 93 | March 2022
Help Children and Adults with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects about five per cent of children worldwide. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder amongst children and teenagers in Singapore, and is four times more common in boys than girls.

Children with ADHD often find it difficult to sit still, concentrate on tasks, remember important things, or consider the long-term consequences of their actions as the condition affects their ability to organise, plan and manage their thoughts and actions. They may also experience relationship problems due to poor impulse control and frequent emotional outbursts.

Child with ADHD

While it is normal for children to present some of these behaviours, children with ADHD tend to display inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in a more severe and persistent pattern, across more than one situation, which may affect their academic performance and relationships with others.

ADHD cannot be cured and the symptoms may continue into adulthood. However, with early diagnosis and intervention, ADHD symptoms can be successfully managed and may improve as the child gets older.

Tips - How to Improve Attention

Strategies to Help Children and Adults with ADHD Stay Focused and Thrive

For Children:

  • Establish a routine. Set up a daily schedule collaboratively with your child to create consistency and help him/her anticipate times when increased concentration is needed. Consider scheduling tasks demanding the most attention in the morning because children with ADHD tend to lose focus as the day progresses.Establish Routine
  • Break down activities into manageable portions. Try to break down activities into small steps and allowing your child to take a brief mental break after completing one page or a section of an assignment so he/she will be able to maintain the mental energy needed to complete the assignment.
  • Stop. Think. Do. Teach and encourage your child to “stop” before acting impulsively, “think” about the effects of his/her intended action and verbalise what he/she plans to do, and “do” the chosen course of actions.
  • Provide praise and encouragement. Offer small, frequent and constantly repeated feedback and incentives when your child displays desirable behaviours and effort to increase awareness to what he/she is doing and reinforce the positive results. Rewards can be very simple things or activities like having a tea break or taking a short walk.

For Adults:

  • Create a daily focus list. Get into the habit of making daily lists of major priorities and “things to-do” at the beginning of each day. Organising ideas into lists and categories can help a person with ADHD to focus on what’s really important and develop a sense of control.
  • Set specific deadlines. Having specific deadlines help to eliminate competing priorities and boost adrenaline, thus making it easier for a person with ADHD to dive into hyperfocus and get going on things rather than procrastinate on them. Consider assigning clear deadlines for tasks with no agreed end point, for example: “Go to the post office on Thursday at 4pm.”
  • Find a partner
  • Find a partner. Recruit an “accountability partner” – a close friend, family member or co-worker – to hold you accountable for your tasks and goals. Doing things with someone else can make it more fun and also make it less likely for a person with ADHD to take long breaks or wander off task. Often, this is a win-win, as you can act as an accountability partner, to your partner as well!
Employee Spotlight

Angeline Tjhin.jpg - Clinical Psychologist

Angeline Tjhin
Clinical Psychologist

Angeline is a clinical psychologist with experience working in Australia and Singapore. She has experience in conducting individual counselling and psychotherapy, crisis management, and psychological assessments in the context of learning, behavioural and social-emotional difficulties.

Click here to get up close and personal with Angeline!

Events and Happenings
DPP Discounted Session - Adult Psychologist
Discounted session with Adult Psychologist
Get a commitment free discounted session at only $50 with our expert adult psychologists.
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Therapy@Home At Your Own Convenience!
Know a child struggling in Math?
Edunamics has an individualized solution that will be customized specifically for your child.
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ABA at Dynamics
Now Launching Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
Dynamics Therapy Centre has just launched our new department for ABA. We provide ABA with a strong emphasis on relationships and ensuring your child has a positive experience. This can help him/her grow their communication and social skills while building positive behavior patterns quickly.
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Social Skills Group
Dynamics Social Skills Groups
Join our successful and fun Social Skills Groups. The groups are running on a Weekly basis, for 8 weeks in a row.
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