Many individuals experience emotional difficulties and depressed mood that extends beyond feelings of sadness. This may lead the person to feel hopeless and unable to deal with everyday tasks. It can further disrupt sleep, appetite, self-esteem, ability to think, general frustration and frequent anger outbursts.
At Dynamics Psychological Practice, we aim to reduce dysfunctional emotions and behaviours by altering the behaviour itself, as well as the thinking patterns. The therapy provided here focuses on emotions and looks into an individual’s past to find causes of current problems. The focus is on thinking, and the way transient thoughts and enduring beliefs about oneself and the world influence how one feels and acts. We hence work towards nurturing new skills that improve the management of difficult symptoms.
For more details please visit our website
Our therapists specialize in the following issues related to adults. Please get in touch with us if you are experiencing any of these issues.
*Disclaimer - All prices are associated with weekday centre based therapy. Additional cost for Saturday sessions. For home based therapy, additional transport charges will apply. Pricing may change depending on the seniority of the therapist.