Get ready for an unforgettable summer! Join our 6-week holiday camp, where each week is packed...
Boost Your Child’s Social Success...
School Psychological Services...
Welcome to Dynamics International School! We’re an inclusive private school for children from K1 to Grade 10...
Unlock potential with Dynamics Therapy Group!...
Book an appointment between 10am and 2pm to get up to 20% off...
Trust Dynamics Feeding and Swallowing for expert care in feeding issues...
Dynamics EIP prides itself on equipping students with the necessary skills to attend a...
Our goal is to help your child integrate seamlessly into his/her mainstream school environment and excel academically...
Find out about Dynamics' excellent ABA department.
Edunamics specialises in Educational Therapy. We offer assessment and academic...
Fast Track your Child's Progress with our new EIP Accelerator Program!
Edunamics has an individualized solution that will be customized specifically for your child.
At Dynamics, our therapists are able to use a range of home based therapies to help...
Physiotherapy at Dynamics targets infants, toddlers, children and adolescents with a variety...
Dynamics is now open for face-to-face therapy sessions Tuesday to Saturday...
Our program is designed to prepare Toddlers for playgroup setting. We address...
Are you self-isolating? Worried about travelling on public transport or meeting others?
Conducting enrichment programs in both local & international...
Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids are able to provide school-based support...
Join your child to our comando team of experts, therapists and teachers for a...
Dynamics' experienced ABA therapists will provide customized recommendations to both teachers and parents...
Looking for reliable and experienced advice on your child's issues? Yael Sasson, Dynamics' Clinical Director will...
Avail of Dynamics International School's special limited time discounts.
We offer prospective students an opportunity to participate in a 2 day trial!
Want to know if Dynamics EIP is the right place for your child? Avail of our 2 day free trial to find out!