Visual Perceptual Skills enable a child give meaning to visual information. It allows the child to look at an object, understand what it is, how it is similar to other objects, how it is different from other objects, if it is upside-down or right-side up, if a part of it is missing, how big it is, how far away it is from them, and how far away it is from other objects in the environment. In Visual perception we look at the following skills:
Eye-Hand Coordination on the other hand makes use of visual input competently, and allows us to manipulate and manage objects and items by using our hands. This coordination in skill requires visual, and fine motor skill development. These motor skills allow us to collect visual information and use it in a motor action. Eye-hand coordination requires strength, fine motor dexterity, shoulder strength, core stability, and many other elements. Examples of eye-hand coordination include catching a ball, tying one’s shoelaces, handwriting, doing mazes etc.
Challenges with visual perception and Eye-Hand Coordination is normal in very young children, because they are still developing these skills. However, if your school-age child continues to have trouble with these skills you can contact Dynamics where one of our Occupational Therapists will check and assess your child’s development and help the child acquire the skills needed, appropriate for his/her age.